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Recruiting from New Source Countries

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We fully recognise the challenges and risks of recruiting through new countries, both cultural and legal, the processes and laws in the source country are often different to those in the UK. When we needed to expand our source countries, largely due to the impact of the invasion of Ukraine, we wanted to ensure we opened up new countries without breaching UK law, breaching laws in the source countries and creating opportunities for workers to be exploited. Worker knowledge of UK laws, the SWS and how to apply is a critical factor in reducing opportunities for exploitation, but knowledge is often lacking in new countries due to the lack of experience of workers coming to the UK.

As such, earlier in 2022 we signed co-operation agreements with the Labour Ministry External Migration Department in Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan. These cooperation agreements provide Pro-Force access to citizens of those countries through official government channels. It also ensures that we have the best access to information about operating legally in those countries.


Fig.1 Pro-Force delegation meeting with the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan


Fig 2. Pro-Force Compliance Director being presented with a welcome gift by Minister Amondza Shirin Shodi (Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan).


Fig 3. Pro-Force delegation meeting with The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Fig 4. Exchanging of cooperation agreements between Pro-Force Compliance Director and Sayfutdinov Suhrob Sanjarovich (First Deputy Head of The Agency of External Labour Migration Under The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan).


Fig 5. Pro-Force Compliance Director being interviewed on the Uzbekistan News channel about the new cooperation agreement.

Pro-Force is still responsible for the assessment centres and selection process, but workers also benefit by being able to seek free advice through government channels if they need support in submitting their visa application, arranging travel and will be supported by the embassy if they face any issues whilst in the UK.


Fig 6. Max Savchenko (Seasonal Worker Scheme Manger, Pro-Force) delivering SWS presentation in Tajikistan


Fig 7. Workers being interviewed in country by members of the Pro-Force team

We are progressing similar arrangements with Kyrgyzstan and have met multiple times with the UK embassy and are planning to visit the country in 2023. These partnerships will ultimately lead to Pro-Force opening operating companies in the source country to replicate the success of our Ukrainian business.