Pro-Force are delighted to announce that we have achieved Business Partner – Advanced status with Stronger Together (S2G).
Foremost, this demonstrates our commitment to achieving the position of #1 for Compliance in our sector. We will never rest on our laurels, and will always strive to implement best practice.

Achieving this status highlights that, for example:
A senior manager has recently attended Advanced Tackling Modern Slavery in UK Business training with S2G
Pro-Force have developed, implemented and annually reviews Hidden Labour Exploitation
A senior manager has been appointed with overall responsibility for implementing the business Hidden Labour Exploitation Policy in our operations and supply chain
Pro-Force achieved 94% in the Labour Provider Implementation Interactive Checklist
Pro-Force has an established management system and training programme in place to ensure key staff are aware of their responsibilities to address Hidden Labour Exploitation risks, including how to spot the signs of forced labour and hidden labour exploitation at work and how to act appropriately where these have been identified
Pro-Force regularly conducts pro-active checks for indicators of exploitation
We will continue to assess ourselves against the most stringent of standards, and report our progress when possible.
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